At the session of the Skolkovo Fund held on the 7th of November 2023 and dedicated to innovations in agriculture, our company presented the results of the test trials of the new system based on comprehensive biological products the use of which allowed to ensure a continuous plant protection and harvest products compliant with the highest ecological standards. Special attention was paid to the economic efficiency of the new biological protection system (compared to the traditionally applied chemical products) as well as to the increased yield and longer shelf life of the crops grown with use of the system. It was presented that in relation to the sugarbeet the cost of biological plant protection is approximately thrice as less than the cost of protection by means of chemicals. Furthermore, the application of the new protection system on several varieties of apples showed an economy of 15,000 rubles per hectare. It was also noted that the shelf life of treated apples lengthened by 1 month without any losses in quality.