

BACTORODENCIDE is a bacterial product designed for combatting mouse-like rodents in agriculture

The essence of bacteriological extermination of rodents using BACTORODENCIDE is the use of bacteria that cause typhoid-like diseases (epizooties) with high mortality rates in rats and mice. These bacterial pathogens are harmless to humans and pets. Rodents get sick as a result of eating bacterial baits and food contaminated with the secretions of sick rodents. When the rodents are infected, bacteria enter the small intestine after 20-30 minutes through the walls of which they penetrate the circulatory and lymphatic system, and parenchymal organs (liver, spleen, kidneys). It can take from 3 to 10 days from the moment of infection before the first visible signs of the disease appear. In rats, this period takes on average 8-10 days, and in small mouse-like rodents and voles - 3-5 days. In rats the first signs of bacterial contamination appear in the form of an increased activity. Then, all rodents become sluggish, sedentary, their appetite persists, but thirstiness appears. Also, the fur loses its shininess, ruffles, eyes get watery, breathing pace increases. Feces may remain unchanged but may be liquid and contain blood. Self-preservation instinct disappears, crawl out of burrows, move slowly in open places, some of them die in holes. Typically, this behavior is followed by paralysis and death typically after 3-16 or, less frequently after 30 days. During epizooties, rodents can leave the infected territories, leaving only single corpses behind, but they die on their way to a new place. During the development of epizooty, there are cases when sick rodents or their corpses are eaten by still healthy animals which exacerbates the spread of the disease. In case there is a small number of rodents being treated, especially if they do not live close enough one to another, it is difficult to rely on the infection of rodents from each other. In these cases, bacterial cultures have an effect only on the rodents that eat the bacterial baits themselves. The period of disease and death of mice and voles starts 4-5 days after consumption of bacterial baits and continues for 2 weeks. As a result, 80-100% of rodents die. In rats the period of disease occurs 5-7 days after the infection and continues 2-3 weeks, resulting in 60-90% mortality rate among the targeted rodents. The edibility of bacterial bait is high throughout the entire year (it should be noted here that the pathogen develops inside the rodent, as in a thermostat cabinet, with a temperature optimum of +39°C), so the drug is effective in all weather conditions.

The economic threshold of pest harm for winter wheat is 100 active holes per hectare. Bait consumption rates vary depending on the population of mouse-like rodents, but the standard amount is 2-3 grams per individual rodent. Therefore, in case of mass mice reproduction, the treatment rates should be calculated so that there is enough bait for every targeted animal. In order to achieve the proper effectiveness of the bacterial treatment method, it is crucial to avoid the development of a lang-lasting and persistent immunity in mice as a result of treatments. The immunity usually stays for 3 - 4 months after an epizooty. In this regard, bacterial cultures can be used no more than twice a year in case of systematic deratization.


- Cost-effectiveness.
- Biological effectiveness is 80-90%;
- Environmentally friendly (selectively combats only mouse-like rodents);
- Safe for warm-blooded animals, humans, and fish;
- Not phytotoxic;
- No resistance;
- Easy to use (does not require a decoy product).

Definition of biological efficacy of Bacterodentide: In the evening, we trample all the holes on sites 25 by 25 m or 12.5 by 12.5 m. In the morning we count how many holes have opened. Divide the morning amount by the evening amount. That is how we determine the percentage of disclosure of holes. Then, we make treatment with Bactorodencide. After 7-14 days, we repeat the previous steps. Then, from the initial value of the holes opened in the morning, (before processing) we subtract the number of opened holes for 7 or 14 days, divide by the initial value and multiply by 100. This will be the biological efficacy of the Bacterodentide.

See also

Biological product = eco harvest

Our biopesticides will help you to grow ecologically clean production. They are frequently used for growing the following crops: